If our enemies only knew how stupid we really are.
I have said that for the last 20+ years and as evidenced by the illogical Oslo Accords, our enemies figured it out and we have been on center stage making stupid decision after stupid decision ever since.
This morning's headlines scream out-"We are still the dumbest country on the planet"
"The government, in its Sunday morning weekly session, approved the release of 250 convicted Arab terrorists from prison, as a goodwill gesture to PA chief Abu Mazen. Only terrorists without “blood on their hands” are to be released."
We are doing what? Why?
I am stunned that the Israeli people-my people-have lived with this gutless sell-out for the last 12 months. His lawyerese gave Israel it's first Viet-nam last summer on the premise that we will not stop until we get our soldiers back. That lasted until George Bush told him to stop. Any sign of backbone? None.
Today he works to lift up a true Sonai Yisroel-Abu Mazen-who is a modern day Aisav-he gives us a kiss but it is really a bite. Does Olmert demand anything in return? No. Instead he has agreed to release terrorists "who have no blood on their hands". Why do they have no blood on their hands. BECAUSE THEY ATTEMPTED TO KILL JEWISH MEN WOMAN AND CHILDREN AND FAILED. Now Olmert will hand them a second chance to finish what they started.
But my question is deeper than that. My question is not why the Jewish people have stood by and let him destroy their country from within. My question is what about the religious parties? How have they stood by and become willing participants in a government that disdains them and all that they are supposed to stand for? How have they stood by and watched the imbeciles that are making decisions in Israel and VOTED WITH THEM on matters that they know are anti-Torah?
The answer of course is very simple.
They have stood by with their hands out and their "kadoorim" exposed. They are criminals by the purest of Torah definitions. They wear the garb and act the part, while underneath they make shady deals with the Aruv Rav just so they can line their pockets and remain in power. I ask again, in light of last weeks Parsha, where is Pinchas? Where is Judah Macabee? Where are the Jews who will stand up and say enough is enough??!! We cannot sit by and watch you kill our children through your cowardice, greed and thirst for power!!
Hashem is testing our people and we are not only failing, but I fear we are setting ourselves and our children up for a tragedy that we have not heard of in seventy odd years...What are we doing to our people? What are we doing to our children?
This is and always has been about power, greed and corruption.
Lest the religious amongst us in America act above it all. This past winter, the Torah Academy for Girls-a Bais Yaakov School on Long Island, sent home an edict which in a nutshell said as follows. All children who are with their aunts, uncles and or GRANDPARENTS, without parental or SCHOOL supervision, are subject to immediate suspension and or expulsion. In other words it's us or you. No Grandparents can be left alone to supervise your child(ren).
What had this world come to? Not only can the grandparents, your parents, not be supervisors of your children, but we will be in their stead and in yours-En Loco Parenti.
What a Chutzpah!! Who thinks of these things? What kind of sick twisted individuals, think that they are not only the arbiters of their Torah, but yours and more importantly YOUR PARENTS Torah? Do you really think if the parents can't cough up the 10-15k it takes for tuition, that these righteous purveyors of Torah won't be calling on the very pasul grandparents to pay the bill? These people turn my stomach and they should sicken our whole nation and on top of that, the entire Bais Yakov movement, which in due time will all fall in goosestep, should be stripped of the very privilege we have entrusted them with-educating Jewish Children-and their leaders exposed for the self righteous, greedy, bullies that they are.
These people at TAG need to be called out. What message of Kibud AV are we sending? How does one tell his parents that their children cannot visit this summer because their Torah way of life, some of it lived from out of the ashes of the holocaust, is not good enough according to the leaders of today's Bais Yakov movement? This is Daas Torah? This is the nachas they get for sacrificing their lives for Torah? What message are we teaching the future woman of Klal Yisroel? This is a scandal of epic proportions and I am stunned that these so called educators are allowed to get away with this?
Where is the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah-the self proclaimed leaders of Klal Yisroel? Where is Agudas Yisroel? This is how we treat our parents? This is the thanks they get? You call this Torah? Kibud Av V'am?
You people disgust me!!
I'm not even sure who I am disgusted with more. The Leadership and board of TAG or the numb parents who allowed this ridiculousness to happen....
We cry about the abuse of power of Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon and then DO NOTHING when the very same thing is happening in our own backyard. This is all about power and the ability, through fear, to control people's lives.
I'm afraid this will only get worse as the blind sheep worry about the shidduch of their children.
Will someone please tell me what ever happened to principles? What ever happened to doing the right thing? What ever happened to leading a genuine life?
My heart aches for the torture that we are going through as a nation and it is all being brought upon us from within, destroying the intestinal fortitude that once made us special, and turning us into a weak, blind, and principle-less people.
I am pained to say this and never thought I would.
Today, I am ashamed to be a Jew.
First of all, take a deep breath.
Now, one must remember that as Hashem's special people, we are always being tested. Recall at the end of the Second Tochachah in Parshas Ki Savo the pasuk says the Jewish people will come to say that all the evil that has befallen them is because Hashem is not in their midst. The very next pasuk says that Hashem will punish them even more. Why? The people just realized they were wihtout divine protection. Why more punishments?
Becuase whether it goes well for us or poorly for us, Hashem is always in our midst. For us to say that we are suffering because we have been abandoned by Heaven is wrong.
The State of Israel was conceived by the secular Zionists as an opportunity to take control of Jewish destiny. Instead of relying on "fate" (ie God), the "new Jews" would take control of their future.
In Europe, it was different. There the Jews knew they were helpless. Even if they could outsmart their enemies, they still had no chance of winning. In Israel it's different. We think we're strong, powerful, invincible.
Might one suggest that what is happening now is a sign from God: "You want to be like everyone else? You want to control your own destiny? Go right ahead. Without My special protection and gifts, you will be just as stupid as all the other nations of the world."
Look at the history of the modern State. Its creation was a miracle, its continued survival despite the idiots running the place is a miracle, all signs of Divine aid. And the more Heaven helps, the most God is pushed into the background.
But while the other nations of the world will remain stupid no matter what, all we have to do is convince our brethren to return heart to our Father in Heaven. Then, with his protection, we shall overcome.
I'm not sure I followed the trabnsition between the first half and the second half of the post, but hey you are the boss of the blog.
With regard to the second half, it is a sad state of affairs when weak parents have given over the parental mandate to the schools. Of course, schools have the right to create certain standards, policies,and rules whil the kids are in school. And it's up to each parent to make a decision as to whether those things are within the scope of how they want their kids educatd and their Hashkafa. But, once the kid goes home, he/she is the parents' responsibility. That includes where the kid hangs out, what youth groups in or out of shul that the kid attends, and what the kid does on his free time.
Unfortunately, we have devolved into a frum society where some schools (that parents get wait-listed on from the day the kid is born) dictate which camps they attend, what eateries they eat in, and even what they do with relatives. Of course, its hard being a parent and saying 'no' when something is inappropriate, but that's what it's all about. Parents who feel that the only way to raise their kids is by acquiescing to schools who do the parenting for them are weak and should be ashamed of themselves.
The transition is power, greed and corruption....they are both running through each story and that is the saddest fact of all
There's an even simpler way to describe it: control. In the "by the book" way, frum people act, speak and think in very specific ways. They want to control you, your life, your behaviour and your money because it's easier than accepting a world where things don't always happen "by the book" and have to be accepted that way.
If you want to see how succesful TAG is,take a walk on Central Avenue on any given day or walk into any shul in Cedarhurst on Shabbos.The TAG graduates wear the tightest clothing.
you are a fool for worshipping the state of israel to begin with. this **** is inevitable with dimwit secular leadershiT
Boy, that came out of left field. (Well, right field in his case)Makes you wonder if he actually read the piece or is this just a instinctive thing he does, like a verbal burp or the like?
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