I'm tired and beat down.
My body is ravaged by the poundings of life.
I am just too tired.
I read the paper this morning and saw that the Jews leading us in Israel, in their infinite wisdom, released the 250+ prisoners I lamented about two weeks ago.May Hashem watch over our people when the "innocent" prisoners, decide to extinguish a few more Jewish lives. Maybe then we can truly rejoice in our commitment to lift up the stature of the evil Abu Mazen.
I read this week how we have been selling smichot so people can earn 1000 shekels more. Is there no such thing anymore as integrity and character? Think about the last time you ever heard a shmooze by your rebbi or a speech by your rabbi and he mentioned those words. What are we doing? Is this Torah Leadership?
I read about a rabbi overseas who has been collecting money from his government for services never rendered. Straight out stealing. No if's and's or but's. What are we gonna do?
I'm just too tired.
This week of the nine days has proven to be all it is rumored to be and between all our issues and our conscious decisions to not deal with our problems as a people, I hate to say this, but we deserve what we get. We have absolved ourselves from personal responsibility, deferring to our rabbis for every decision we make. We have become lemmings. I am just too tired.
I need Shabbos this evening. I need it to reinvigorate my beaten down body and distressed soul and pray that Hashem have mercy on us this week-a week of historical tragedy and hope that our withdrawing from the pleasures of this world, will serve as an atonement for our cowardice and our shameful behavior.
Shabbat Shalom.
While we have guys in Kollel, Rabbanim, Poskim, Roshei Yeshiva, and even "Gedolei Hador", we have no "leaders". Leadership is an entirely different ballgame.
I hope Shabbos is restful for you. Check out my Shabbos Chazon piece at garnelironheart.blogspot.com.
It won't, because the ones who are repentant aren't the ones committing the crimes, lying, cheating, stealing and giving Hashem a bad name. Those men aren't sorry at all, and until they are, nothing we do will help.
Then perhaps more should be done to hold their feet to the fire, as it were. Has anyone asked the "Gedolim": Was Cohen wrong for calling DeHartoch a Nazi? Is it Torah behaviour to slander the man in public and private? Is it a Torah value to demand money without adhering to the rules the money comes with? There must be a protest, else nothing will change.
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